23 June 2010

Each Laser Is Stupidly Powerful

I finally exhausted all my notes from Glen Eyrie, so you're safe from extremely long posts for now. I think.

I've been trying to find balance between reading and writing. I'm in the middle of Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury right now. Aside from being a great (if ridiculously confusing) book, it's a requirement for my Literary Traditions class in the fall. I decided that I should read the books on the list for that class I hadn't yet read this summer so I could be prepared. I'm glad I chose to read this one before the fall. It's taking quite a bit of effort, even though I'm enjoying it.

I keep getting caught up in whatever I'm doing though. If I start reading, I don't stop until some pressing need arises. That means I've most likely overstepped my time frame and wasted some precious writing time. Now I know you've got one burning question in your mind--"You're not working right now; what do you mean you don't have time to write?!"

I'm glad you asked. What else is taking up my time? Well, there are the run of the mill excuses: laundry, cleaning, cooking, showering, taking care of the dog, etc. What I should really tell you is that there's a stupid flash game I've been playing mindlessly. It's called Super Bloons Monkey, and for whatever reason I'm hooked. Today I'm taking a Bloons moratorium so I can really focus. Just watch--as soon as I sit down to do some research and outlining, someone will text or call me. I love how life happens in such inconvenient bursts.


  1. I'm trying to read Paradise Lost.

    So far ...two pages. The same ones, over and over and over again. i'm making it my summer reading project. (The last book i did that with was Les Miserables - and even then I lost heart and left out about 100 pages describing the Paris sewer system.)

  2. I have yet to tackle Paradise Lost. Les Miserables is something I want to read very soon. Well, maybe not too soon. So, keep on keeping on. I started Swann's Way six years ago. I got halfway though, screamed, and shoved it back on the shelf. I picked it up again last year and finished it.

    Then I promptly went to the nearest used bookstore and sold the thing. Probably my most hated book ever.

  3. Also - laser? I couldn't GET to the laser!

  4. Bahaha! You tried it. It took me a couple times through, but I managed to unlock all the weapons. The last laser is crazy. It just obliterates everything. And--I was good and didn't play it all day yesterday. So, I may have to go back today and try to beat my high score. :P

  5. I can't get past the first level of penguins. It's starting to seriously annoy me.
